My Healthy Breakfast: Organic Whole Oats Porridge

MY BREAKFAST today packed a healthy punch!
Organic whole oats porridge topped with a handful of almonds, sunflower seeds, dried raisins and stirred with two tablespoonfuls of wheatgerm makes a healthy breakfast. For extra natural sweetness, I added a few apricots (for a dose of vitamin A) and figs (for a high potassium boost).
Always Start The Day With Healthy Breakfast
The oats were first boiled and soaked overnight, and cooked to a flavorful and creamy texture in about 20 minutes in the morning. Does it taste good? Absolutely! Besides, you know you’ve eaten a nutritious healthy breakfast when your body feels light and energetic after the meal.
Eating organic whole oats porridge for breakfast is a radical change in eating habits for me who grew up on high glycemic Asian breakfasts of fried noodles and processed white bread smothered with butter and sweet kaya (a coconut egg jam).
When I saw that conventional weight loss methods weren’t producing results, I consciously made the effort to adopt right eating habits; starting first with the most important meal of the day – a low glycemic, healthy breakfast.
Savory Goodness Of A Healthy Breakfast
Whole oats cereal is an energy-boosting, healthy breakfast. It keeps you warm and gives lasting energy. It’s my 69-year old mom’s favorite breakfast as it gives her the energy to potter around the house and tend to her tiny garden for the next three hours without feeling hungry!
Whole Oats – Low On The Glycemic Index
Whole oats cereal is low on the glycemic index (GI).
A 250 gram serving of whole oats has a GI of 51. A G! of 55 or less is considered low; a GI of 56 to 59 is medium and a GI of 70 or more is high. Though a GI of 51 is on the higher end of the low glycemic index, there isn’t really a lot of carbohydrate in the oats to be converted into blood sugar.
To understand accurately how fast carbs are converted into blood sugars, you should also know the glycemic load of foods. Measuring how much carbohydrate is in the food is the glycemic load. Whole oats have a glycemic load of 11. That means it contains a moderate amount of carbohydrates. So, overall, whole oats is very healthy food for breakfast.
Low on the glycemic index, whole oats porridge is a slow release energy food, an excellent blood sugar balancer and a weight loss enhancer.
The oats with their high soluble fiber will also make you feel full and less inclined to steal a bite of bagel or donut.
Whole Oats Porridge – A Balanced Alkaline-Acidic Food
In fact, whole oats porridge can be so wholesome and so balanced in alkalinity and acidity if you add the right ingredients.
The whole oats were first boiled and soaked overnight one two-inch kombu, a kind of seaweed. The seaweed, being alkaline, balances the acidity of the whole oats and sunflower seeds. The apricots, figs and almonds are alkaline and are added to balance the acidity from the oats and seeds.
I learnt the concept of acidity and akalinity of foods from Macrobiotic principles which I practise in my daily eating habits.
(Note: Limit the number of dried figs to two or three a day if you’re on a weight loss plan. Figs are an energy dense food loaded with nutrients such as potassium, calcium and iron, but they also rank high on the glycemic index and glycemic load).
If you want an energetic start to the day, make a change to your breakfast eating habits. Start your day with a savory and healthy breakfast. Make yourself a whole oats porridge two to three times a week.
Click Here For The Whole Oats Porridge Recipe.
Or, make healthy and delicious smoothies for breakfasts using only organic juices and berries!
© Teresa Cheong