Video Watch: Can Eating Grapefruit Every Day Help You Lose Weight?

Posted by Teresa Cheong, – IN my previous post, I wrote about my morning ritual of eating grapefruit before breakfast and before heavy meals (usually, half a grapefruit). This simple grapefruit eating habit has helped me stave off weight gain, control over-eating, and maintain a healthy BMI.
The Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, TN has done a study on the effects of eating grapefruit before every meal on a group of participants. Results show participants registering a larger weight loss than expected based on the grapefruit diet and simple daily exercises like walking.
Grapefruits are undoubtedly an extremely healthy addition to a balanced diet. But as in all things, always eat in moderation.
Eat a variety of fruits to reduce ingesting potentially harmful substances from one single fruit. So personally, I will rule out a crash grapefruit diet where one goes on only grapefruit juice for several days to lose weight. And if you are on certain medications, eating an excessive amount of grapefruits may deter absorption.
Watch this video to find out whether eating grapefruit before every meal can help you lose weight.
© Teresa Cheong,