Add Flavor To Your Meals With Turmeric A Top Anti-cancer Food

Post by Teresa Cheong, – What’s that one spice you must add to your meals to keep cancer at bay? According to Professor Bharat Aggarwal at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, there is only one spice with such astonishing anti-cancer properties – turmeric. This orangey yellow powder also ranks as one of the top anti-cancer foods in Dr David Servan-Screiber’s book, Anti-cancer, A New Way of Life.
The anti-inflammatory and healing properties of turmeric were recorded in ancient medical texts in India, China, Tibet and Middle East as far back as 2,000 years ago. Though turmeric is a common spice for making curries in South Asia and Southeast Asia, the ancient habit of eating this healing food is lost in the west.
But you cannot ignore the facts.
Research points to turmeric as a powerful anti-cancer food. The curcumin found in abundant quantities in turmeric has such a strong anti-inflammatory effect on tumors that it inhibits angiogenesis (multiplication of cancer cells) and actively promotes apoptosis (cell suicide). Laboratory experiments have shown that the curcumin in turmeric slows down and even inhibits multiplication of a large number of cancers: breast, colon, stomach, ovarian, brain and liver. Buy Dr David Servan-Screiber’s book, Anti-cancer, A New Way of Life, to find out more about this ancient anti cancer food.
Fresh turmeric is easily available in Asian food stores that sell herbs and spices. It is cheap, smells good, and adds a healthy dose of spice and unique taste to your meals.
One thing to remember though: Make sure you add a dash of black pepper (not just any pepper), and mix it well with the turmeric to increase the body’s absorption of the yellow powder.
Recommendation: One-quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder with half a teaspoon of olive oil and a generous dash of black pepper. Add to vegetables, soups and salad dressings. That’s your anti-cancer cocktail!
© Teresa Cheong,