Whip Up Anti-cancer Meals With Turmeric Powder

Post by Teresa Cheong, RightEatingHabits.com – Like your food spicy and tasty? Pass the bottle of processed chili sauce – and spice up your meals with an anti-cancer arsenal of turmeric power instead. Researchers have found that turmeric, a common yellow spice in Indian curries, is an amazing natural anti-cancer food. So, are you getting enough of this natural anti-cancer food? I make it a point to eat meals spiced generously with turmeric twice a week. I often add one teaspoon to one tablespoon of tumeric powder to fish, vegetable and bean dishes. Read more about turmeric and other anti-cancer foods in Anti-cancer, A New Way of Life.
Here are some of my quick turmeric serving ideas:
1. Add one teaspoon (or one tablespoon – if you like it real spicy) of turmeric powder to chickpea soup. Towards the end of cooking, sprinkle some fine black pepper powder and add a teaspoon of olive oil. These two ingredients help the body absorb turmeric better.
2. Sprinkle turmeric powder onto a healthy plate of cauliflower florets. Steam. Towards the end of cooking, sprinkle some fine black pepper powder and add a bit of olive oil. The phytonutrients, sulforaphane and indole 3-carbinol in cauliflower makes it one of the most powerful anti-cancer foods. Now, flavor it with tumeric. It becomes an extraordinarily healthy anti-cancer meal!
3. Flavor egg salads and salad dressings with turmeric for extra bold color and anti-cancer nutrition.
4. Season brown rice with turmeric, cumin and coriander.
Always buy the individual spice and not turmeric mixed in curry blends. This is because there is usually very little turmeric powder in curry blends. I buy my packets of turmeric power in a local organic health store.
Want a health boost? Try whipping up some anti-cancer meals with turmeric powder.
Remember always buy freshly packed turmeric powder.
If you have a recipe to share using turmeric powder, would love to hear from you.
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© Teresa Cheong, RightEatingHabits.com