Eating Raw Foods To Lose Weight Naturally

Post by Teresa Cheong, – I FOLLOW a pretty healthy diet to help me lose weight naturally and to keep the weight under control, but eating raw foods to lose weight? Never. A raw food diet seems a little too extreme. Until I met a raw food chef at a health product launch. The young raw food chef’s clear glowing skin and pencil slim fitness are testimony that this thing called raw foods do work. I was intrigued.
The next day, while shopping for my week’s supply of organic vegetables at my neighborhood organic grocer, I picked up a packet of organically-grown French Beans, washed them very, very lightly, and ate them raw.
That’s my cup of raw French beans. The first bite? It was sensational.
Adding Raw Foods To My Meals
I was pleasantly surprised by the tingling sensation of energy I felt circulating on the surface of my cheeks when I had my first bite of the organic raw greens!
Since that day, I have been faithfully adding more raw foods – raw French beans, simple salads, raw scallions, raw onions to my meals. I love the expansive energy and instant high I get from eating raw foods. Naturally, when I say raw foods, I mean organic raw greens, plant-based whole foods.
The results of eating more raw foods are pleasing. Just last week, a friend casually commented: “Your complexion looks very good. What did you do?” Nah, it wasn’t a facial.
Why Eat Raw Foods To Lose Weight?
Three major reasons why adding more raw foods to your diet can help you lose weight – and make you feel and look better.
1. The Living Enzymes in Raw Foods increase the body’s metabolic rate. Processed or cooked foods kill the microorganisms that are good for your digestive system. With higher metabolism, you naturally lose weight faster!
2. Raw foods make tasty low-calorie and high energy snacks. Healthy snacking keeps the body’s metabolic rate up so you are burning calories constantly throughout the day.
3. Raw foods added to a regular diet energize your body. Imagine getting a high dosage of energy simply from eating. From eating raw foods!
Eating For Energy. Eating For Natural Weight Loss.
I recently stumbled upon this ebook – Eating For Energy by holistic nutritionist and fitness trainer, Yuri Elkaim. In his ebook, Yuri talks about the raw food diet and the living energy in plant-based raw whole foods. By adding more raw foods to our diet – he explains how we can experience greater energy and be able to lose weight naturally and quite effortlessly.
I found Eating for Energy an excellent nutritional guide on raw foods and the raw food diet. It contains well-researched scientifiic information on how foods interact with the body and how the cooking process can destroy the nutritional value of foods.
To help you ease into adding more plant-based whole foods and raw foods into your diet, nutritionist Yuri also includes a large section on:
- 120 delicious raw food recipes (so no excuse for not knowing how to start on a raw food diet!)
- 12-week meal plan (simply follow and watch your weight drop!), plus additional healthy eating resources that include:
- a weight loss tele-seminar audio
- a how to detox tele-seminar audio
- a how to alkalise tele-seminar audio
- an interview with NY Times Best Selling Author (Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul) on the nutrition secrets in Eating for Energy.
Is there a need to follow a strict raw food diet in order to lose weight naturally?
Many have found a raw food diet very beneficial in helping them lose weight naturally. I am strictly not a raw foodie. I make food choices based on the low glycemic principles, but I am gradually adding more raw foods as I enjoy the refreshing energy boosts from eating raw foods. I must admit too, I do enjoy munching raw French beans or edamame, the raw soy beans which you can find in many Japanese restaurants.
Have you tried the Raw Food Diet yet? Find out how you can lose weight naturally.
© 2013 Teresa Cheong