Short-term Fasting Secret To Easy Weight Loss

Post by Teresa Cheong, – Is there an easy weight loss plan that works and can save you a lot of money? There is. But it does need some practice getting used to. It’s part of a lifestyle practised by monks of all ages to keep the body, mind and spirit in pretty good shape. So what is it? It is called …
Periodic fasting.
Intermittent fasting. Short-term fasts.
Or simply, Eat-STOP-Eat.
How does intermittent fasting or periodic fasting help to promote easy weight loss? We all know this fact: the only way to lose weight permanently is to consume less calories than we use on a regular basis. Well, fasting helps the body to create the calorie deficit and get accustomed to eating less.
Brad Pilon, MS, nutritionist author of Eat Stop Eat, is a strong advocate for intermittent fasting. In his book, he points to scientific research that shows the positive link between fasting and higher metabolic rate. His weight loss solution is easy: Fast once or twice a week – on water. Simple?
Brad Pilon guest writes on this blog today. Read what he has to say about short-term fasting and losing excess weight.
Intermittent Fasting The Secret To Easy Weight Loss
If you’ve been looking for a way to lose and keep weight off permanently, then you would do well to consider using intermittent fasting as a method of reducing your caloric intake to aid you in your weight loss quest.
Intermittent fasting is defined as short-term fasts, typically 24-36 hours in length, once or twice per week. These fasts are normally water only. Doing a so-called “juice fast” can defeat the purpose of intermittent fasting altogether, as by its very definition you are consuming large amounts of natural sugars, which can throw off your blood sugar as well as other bodily functions as well. Other types of fasts that emphasize one food or drink (other than water) can be just as worrisome.
Short-term fasts like these are simple to do and they also provide a way to cut your caloric intake rather easily. Imagine knocking off two full days worth of calories from what you’ve been taking into your body. It makes the task of reducing that much easier.
Of course, replacing those saved calories with massive amounts of food on the other days will negate this aid, but in truth, if you are in tune with what your body is telling you this will not be an issue. Many times we succumb to our mind’s indoctrination that we’ll somehow starve if we don’t get that extra food. Nothing could be further from the truth.
LESS food, Not More
We can survive and indeed thrive on much less food than we’ve been conditioned to think we need.
America, in particular, is notorious when it comes to conspicuous consumption, and if we’re not careful, we’ll feed our next generation into an early grave with the amount of food we’re forcing down their throats. There is no relief or help in sight from either the food industry, government or health organizations. Many are either trying to sell us what they have to offer, the latest diet solution (that won’t work!) or deny there’s a problem in the first place. (The FDA comes to mind!)
Intermittent Fasting Gets Rid of Unwanted Fat
So when push comes to shove the only real way to lose unwanted fat and pounds is to consume less food than we use in calories. It’s simple math, and the proof that different types of diets don’t matter as much as they’d like you to believe lies in the fact that most of these diets will help you to lose weight. It’s being able to sustain that particular diet that becomes the problem. Most are so restrictive that it’s next to impossible to do them long-term.
Fasting For Cheap and Easy Weight Loss
Intermittent fasting or periodic fasting offers a good alternative, as it’s not asking you to add anything, buy anything or do anything apart from abstaining from food for a designated period of time so your body can get into calorie deficit and begin to cleanse itself. You owe it to yourself to look into this further and see if intermittent fasting might be a good idea to add to your weight loss plan.
About the author
Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over eight years experience working in the nutritional supplement industry specializing in clinical research management and new product development. Brad has completed graduate studies in nutritional sciences specializing in the use of short term fasting for weight loss.
His trademarked book Eat Stop Eat has been featured on national television and helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat without sacrificing the foods they love. For more information on Eat Stop Eat, visit
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