Cancer-Fighting Benefits of Eating Organic Apples

Post by Teresa Cheong, – See on – healthy eating plan
Apples are listed by the American Institute for Cancer Research as one of the must-eat superfoods in a cancer-fighting diet and apples are also known to be excellent detoxifiers, cleansing your body of toxins.
However, to get the maximum nutritional benefits from eating apples, make sure you buy organically grown apples.
Cancer-fighting benefits of eating organic apples
- Apples are powerful antioxidants
They contain high concentrations of phytonutrients such as quercetin and triterpenoids (found on apple peels). About 80 percent of quercetin is located in the peel of the apple. So it makes sense to eat whole organic apples, with the peel intact.
Both phytonutrients boast of anti-inflammatory properties. Phytonutrients can help prevent disease and keep your body in optimal condition.
Research has shown that naturally-occurring quercetin and triterpenoids offer excellent cancer-fighting benefits.
One study by the University of Wisconsin has reported that apple peels can help turn on the tumor suppressor protein, maspin, inside cancer cells. Although breast and prostate cancer tumor cells have found a way to turn this tumor supressor off, the apple peels turned it back on!
- Apples are low in calories and contain good amounts of dietary fibre
Maintaining a healthy weight is important in lowering cancer risk. Because a small apple contains about only 70 calories and contains a good amount of dietary fibre, it is a great snacking food. It makes you feel full and eat less. Eat one medium-sized apple about 15 minutes before a meal and you could lower your caloric intake by about 15%, according to one research study.
Besides organic apples, you can whip up anti-cancer meals at home using this amazing spice – turmeric powder.
The phytonutrients in apples can help regulate blood sugar levels, an important consideration for weight loss. But you need to eat the WHOLE apple, including the skin. So buying organically grown apples makes sure you get the full nutrients – and it’s safe to eat!
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© Teresa Cheong,