Skip Coffee For Matcha Green Tea Helps Burn Belly Fat

Post by – In an earlier post on the benefits of matcha green tea on burning belly fat, I mentioned how the abundant presence of EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate – a fat-burning antioxidant found in matcha green tea (i.e. greeb tea powder) or green tea leaves could trigger the body to burn belly fat. So should you skip your morning coffee and switch to a calmer beverage like green tea to help your body burn belly fat and get back into shape?
The good news is: There is no need to deprive yourself from the pleasure of waking up to the fragrant aroma of your favorite cup of freshly roasted, filtered or French-pressed coffee!
Freshly brewed black coffee has plenty of antioxidants too. Coffee could raise your body’s metabolism (due to high caffeine content) which in turn, helps your body burn fat although studies have shown that the antioxidant, EGCG, present in green tea could accelerate the burning of belly fat and increase the body’s metabolic rate even more.
Just make sure you stick to one to maximum two cups of coffee a day and avoid adding sugar and cream. Too much coffee – equivalent to four or more cups of coffee a day — could cause side effects such as insomina, irritability and heartburn due to its higher caffeine content than green tea. Drink your coffee with moderation.
Get your body ready to burn belly fat fast
Kickstart your your day with a glass of warm detoxifying lemon water, followed by a cup of antioxidant-rich matcha green tea.
Save $3 off your first order of premium matcha tea from Matcha Source
In an article on green tea and its benefits published on WebMD, it was mentioned that drinking green tea is associated with lowering bad cholesterol and high levels of fat.
It cautioned against drinking more than five cups of green tea per day. Too much green tea may also lead to headache, insomnia and irregular heartbeat because of excessive caffeine in the tea.
But a cup of green tea or matcha green tea latte (with almond or soy milk) would be an immensely beneficial and calming way to kickstart the day.
Have a cuppa.
Matcha green tea or freshly brewed coffee?
Shitake mushroom tea is another fat-burning tea to help the body dissolve fats naturally.
© Teresa Cheong,