Healthy Eating Habits To Combat Weight Gain For Women Over 35

THE big concern for women over 35 is how to combat weight gain.
Sometime during their late 30s and 40s, women begin to notice significant physical changes to their bodies: thicker waistlines, greater abdominal fat, stubborn weight gain – and lower energy levels.
These unflattering physical changes are often a result of lower physical activity and poor eating habits. What that means is – it is possible for women over 35 to combat weight gain and regain both their shape and energy if they return to regular exercise and adopt healthy eating habits.
Here are six healthy eating habits to help women over 35 combat weight gain and stay in shape:
Healthy Eating Habit #1 – Don’t finish your meals with soda
Many people have a poor eating habit of finishing every meal with a soda or a frizzy, sugary drink. Substitute sodas and blended coffees with healthier drinks such as freshly squeezed lemonade and unsweetened black or green tea. Sodas are void of nutrition and are best avoided to prevent blood sugar spikes and weight gain. If coffee is a must, drink it black or have it only with low fat milk.
Healthy Eating Habit #2 – Make Lemon Juice A Part Of Your Daily Diet
Lemon juice (unsweetened) is not only a rich source of Vitamin C, it is also a stimulating and expansive drink. The sharp, tart taste of lemon makes it an instant wake up drink for lazy mornings and a natural, internal body cleanser. Cultivate a healthy eating habit of drinking a glass of lemon juice after a high carbohydrate meal. The lemon juice slows down the digestion of high carbohydrates in meals and reduces blood sugar spikes, a major cause for overeating and weight gain.
Healthy Eating Habit #3 – Don’t Ever Skip Breakfast
No matter how busy you are in preparing breakfasts for the family or getting the kids ready for school – never skip breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal for the day; it revs up the body’s metabolism (having been dormant the night before) and keeps the blood sugar levels constant till your next meal. If you skip breakfast, both your metabolic rate and blood sugar levels will drop. You will feel hungry and eat more throughout the day, thus setting yourself up for binges and possible weight gain.
Healthy Eating Habit #4 – Make Your Meals Small and Frequent
Plan to eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day to prevent hunger pangs. The body is wired to go into starvation mode and stop burning calories when one is hungry. By eating smaller and frequent meals, you’re “tricking” your body into burning calories continuously throughout the day! Adopt a healthy eating habit of adding two snacks of fruit, nuts, seeds or low fat drinks to the usual three meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Healthy Eating Habit #5 – Drink Water, Water, Water!
Older women sometimes drink less water than they should to avoid going to the bathroom. But the body needs water to burn calories and convert the carbohydrates we eat to glycogen, the stored fuel in our muscles. Fat burning is slowed when the body is dehydrated. Drinking sufficient water eases our hunger pangs. Develop a healthy eating habit of drinking at least 8 ounces of still water a day. Add a little lemon or grapefruit juice for variety and refreshing taste.
Healthy Eating Habit #6 – Have At Least Two Low Glycemic Meals A Day
Make a conscious switch from a poor eating habit of having mostly high glycemic index (GI) foods to a healthy eating habit of eating low GI foods. The body digests low GI foods slowly, makes you feel full longer, and releases glucose into the bloodstream evenly without creating a surge in blood sugars. A low GI meal combines whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Eat high GI foods such as white bread, bagels, puffed cereals, soft drinks, and processed baked products only as occasional treats. Make sure at least two major meals of the day contain foods on the low glycemic index.
Women over 35 can combat weight gain and stay in good shape if they make the conscious effort to adopt healthy eating habits. More on smart eating habits.
Discover how women over 35 can combat weight gain and stay in shape by adopting healthy eating habits with the help of a low glycemic diet.
© Teresa Cheong,