Six Anti-Aging Foods To Make You Look Younger

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CAN eating the right foods(specifically, anti-aging foods) really make you look younger than your real physical age?

In her book, [amazonify]074992456X:right:text:lifebrcommun-20:350:350:”The Live Longer Diet,”[/amazonify]nutritionist Sally Beare wrote about her study on the world’s longest living people. She found that they not only shared similarities in their diet, many of them led physically active lives, and looked years or even two decades younger than their real physical age.

By consciously adding anti-aging foods in our diet, we can delay the effects of aging, improve our skin elasticity, stave off wrinkles and get rid of bad skin problems.

So what are these anti-aging foods? These are natural foods rich in selenium and powerful antioxidants such as Vitamins C and E.

Here is my favorite list of six anti-aging foods and superfoods:

1) Almonds

A handful of almonds makes a healthy, tasty mid-afternoon snack, but do you know that almonds are a Vitamin E powerhouse that actively promotes healthy skin, hair and nails?

Vitamin E protects cell membranes from free radical damage caused by air pollution, peroxides and ultra violet rays.

Some people avoid eating almonds, thinking that they are a high fat food and bad for weight loss. The fact is the fats in almonds are cholesterol lowering, monosaturated fats that are good for the heart!

If you want to look younger, make sure you include in your diet anti-aging foods like a handful of almonds every day. A quarter cup of almonds a day will provide about 45% of the daily-recommended intake of Vitamin E.

2) Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are another anti-aging food and a Vitamin E and selenium powerhouse with very effective youth-enhancing qualities. Eat a handful of sunflower seeds a day will help stave off wrinkles and improve skin elasticity. In fact, a quarter cup of sunflower seeds will provide nearly 91% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin E!

I add sunflower seeds to my morning cereal or eat them raw as snacks.

3) Avocados

Avocados are one of nature’s best moisturizers. Avocados are loaded with anti-aging nutrients such as Vitamin C and E, and Omega 3 fatty acids.

Some people avoid this wonderful anti-aging food thinking it is fattening. It is true that a medium-size avocado has 30 grams of fat – but fortunately, all of it is good fats – monosaturated fats that lower cholesterol.

Want to look younger? Eat a super anti-aging fruit like avocado every day. It will keep your skin looking soft and supple.

4) Apples

The old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” holds more truth than what we know.

Here are a few facts about apples: Apples are wonderful natural detoxifiers owing to pectin, a soluble fiber that naturally clears waste products from the body; apples have minimal calories, but contain plenty of water that helps to rehydrate the body.

Apples are a cheap source of anti-aging nutrients.

Look younger with clearer and healthier skin by eating two to three apples a day. Make it a habit to pack two apples in a small ziploc bag before leaving the house.

5) Cucumber

Whether you eat it as a cucumber salad or make it into a cucumber cleanser, cucumbers are excellent for rejuvenating tired, dehydrated skin. This is because cucumbers are high in water content and contains high amounts of silica, a necessary mineral for healthy, glowing skin. I usually stir fry thin slices of cucumber with garlic, sesame oil, and eat it as a vegetable dish.

6) Lemons

Lemons are supercharged with Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant vital for healthy skin and gums.

One medium size lemon contains more than 45% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C. Lemons are the body’s natural internal cleanser. This super anti-aging food aids digestion and clears toxins; thus, leaving our skin clear and radiant. More on lemons as healing food.

Wake up in the morning to a glass of lemon juice or lemon water will help to cleanse your skin and make you look younger.

So, it isn’t just genes that make some people look younger than their real physical age. Try to add this short list of anti-aging foods to your diet – and see the remarkable difference they make to your health and looks!

 Anti-aging superfoodsP.S.
You’ve heard it before: Superfoods must complement any anti-aging diet. At  – a US-based online grocer, you can find a wide selection of organic super juices, super greens and super powder blends. The super green powder blends make healthy and delicious smoothies! Check it out.

© Teresa Cheong,

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