Weight Loss Tip: Try This Weight Loss Ritual Every Morning

By Teresa Cheong, RightEatingHabits.com – THERE is one weight loss ritual which I follow every morning because it works.
The ritual:
1) Upon waking up, drink a glass of room temperature warm water and eat half a grapefruit – both on an empty stomach.
2) Wait 5-10 minutes before taking breakfast, the first meal of the day. This gives the internal body system time to wake up from the overnight fast before it starts digesting any food.
This is a simple (and inexpensive) way to lose the extra pounds naturally. No stress from aggressive dieting. No running like crazy on a treadmill. Yet few people I know have the habit of eating grapefruits as part of their normal daily diet.
Weight Loss Tip: Eating Grapefruit Before Meal
The fruit’s sharp, tangy taste and its underlying juicy sweetness is something you will get used to and grow to like. Once you’ve adapted to the taste and habit of eating half a grapefruit before breakfast, you will relish the “refreshing” and “cleansing” sensations it creates, especially after a particularly heavy meal.
The apparent reason for the refreshing, cleansing feeling is because grapefruit contains certain plant compounds that lower insulin levels so you don’t feel bloated, lethargic and sleepy. Besides, lower insulin levels stimulate weight loss.
In addition to lowering insulin levels and promoting natural weight loss, grapefruits are also known for their anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and anti-oxidant properties.
The lycopene in grapefruits are said to have anti-tumor properties and the loads of Vitamin C in the ruby pinkish fruit keeps the skin in good healthy condition. Phytonutrients in grapefruits called limonoids are known to slow down tumor formation.
Grapefruit is also a low G.I. (glycemic index) food. With so much natural goodness and health benefits in one single fruit, why are you not taking the first bite?
If losing a few extra pounds is one of your New Year resolutions, try to get into the habit of eating grapefruit (or drink a glass of grapefruit juice) before breakfast and before every heavy meal. Half a grapefruit before meals is sufficient.
This natural weight loss ritual of eating grapefruit before meal may well help you lose that few extra pounds, but minus the crazy gym workouts!
Complete this natural weight loss ritual with a glass of lemon water every evening.
These two fruits will keep your internal body in a slightly alkaline condition which is essential for good health.
What Foods To Eat To Lose Weight
© Teresa Cheong, RightEatingHabits.com